馬 然 MA RAN

The University of Hong Kong (Ph.D. in Comparative Literature)
The University of Amsterdam (MA in Film Studies)
Yunnan University (MA in World Literature & Comparative Literature)
Yunnan University (BA in Chinese Language & Literature)
Research Interests
My research interests center around an intersection of inter-Asia studies, transnational film and screen cultures, and film festival studies, particularly on the relations between the film movements, the politics of auteurism, and the institutional contexts of exhibition, circulation, and criticism. Currently I am interested in the issues of mobility, infrastructure, and affect in inter-Asia cinema and media.
Profesional Experience
September 2011-September 2013
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University, Japan
G-COE Young Special Researcher, Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University, Japan
Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Scholar 2023-2024
Research Grants & Affiliate Projects
Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences, Scientific Research (基盤研究 C 22K00230) (2022-2025) Project Title: Chinese Independent Cinema in Transformation: Visual Politics in Perspective
Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (2018-2022) Project Title: Sinophone Imaginaries in Contemporary Asian Visual Cultures
Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (2015-2017) Project Title: East Asian Film Cultures in the Post-Cold War Era: Film Festivals and their Transnational Network
Affiliated Researcher for the Team Research Project of ‘Examining Cultural Discourses in Post-3.11 Japan’ (2016-2017), Principal Investigator: Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano, International Research Center for Japan Studies (Nichibunken), Japan
Participant of the JSPS Kaken 基盤研究(B): ‘デジタル映像アーカイブの未来研究’ (‘a Study on the Future of Digital Image Archive’), led by Dr. Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano from Kyoto University (2020-2025)
Academic membership
Society Of Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)
Association for Studies of Culture and Representation (Japan)
日本映像学会中部支部 Japan Society of Image Arts and Sciences (JASIAS) Central Branch
Film Festival Research Network (FFRN)